JOE's Trick Shots and Billiards Links 

Welcome to my website dedicated to Trick Shots, Skill shots and Artistic Pool. Enclosed you will find many links to outstanding Trick Shot and Billiards sites. You will not find any sales pitch because I don't sell anything.  It's a great feeling knowing that there are many talented Artistic Pool Shooters and many are willing to share their masterpieces with us all through their own websites.  I regret that I have not asked all linked people/corporations for permission to link to their sites but I am doing it out of good faith to further our pool playing obsessions.  Some of the links will require that you have a video driver (.avi, .mov, .mpg, .ram)  or acrobat (.pdf) reader.  Feel free to link to this site and to pass on this website to your friends. It is recommended that you bookmark this page for your future use.  ENJOY !

Joseph Whalen
Orange Park, FL


   Approximately 200  trick, skill and artistic pool shots enclosed 
   Formats include (.AVI,  .MOV,  .RAM,  .MPG,  .PDF, or  .HTM)
   Downloads for  Programs needed to view Trick Shots

My Very Own Personal Trick Shot Video Clips
Other Billiard video clips ( Commercials, Games and Demos)
Billiards and Pool Trick Shot History
Trick Shots found in Auctions
Newsgroups and Message Boards Trick Shots
Trick Shot Articles, Newsletters and Billiard Magazines
Current World Class Professional Trick Artists
ESPN Trick Shot Magic Results
Trick Shot Professionals and Showmen
Senior and Former Trick Shot Artists
Trick Shot Competition Winners
Trick Shot Professional Organizations
Pool and Billiards Professional Organizations
Trick Shots on TV
Trick Shot Training Videos
Trick Shot Training Videos for Rent
Trick Shots In The Movies
Trick Shot Books
Trick Shot Library books 
Trick Shot Gadgets and Gizmos and Supplies
Trick Shot sites found in Search Engines
Trick Shot and Billiards Web Rings
My Most Wanted List
Trick Shot LINKS


Auctions (ebay, yahoo, etc)
Billiards and Pool on TV
Newsgroups and Message Boards
Billiard Supplies (tables, cues, balls, etc.)
My Local Billiards
(Colorado Springs, CO / Newburgh, NY)
Billiard Clip Art
Professional Organizations
Billiard Congress of America Pictures
(Colorado Springs, CO)
BCA Hall of Fame'rs 
Ripley Believe it or Not
Guinness World Records 
Library Books
Blockbuster Videos
Diamond System
Stupid Stuff
My Most Wanted List

TRICK SHOTS: (.AVI,  .MOV,  .RAM,  .MPG,  .PDF, or  .HTM format)

Download sites for various FREE Computer Programs may be needed to view the Trick Shots
    Apple Quick Time 5  - for the the movie clips
    Adobe Acrobat Read5 - for the (.pdf) type files
    RealPlayer    - for .ram, .rm, vivo and some other video/movie clips
    Flash Player - for some of the cartoon like video clips of shots, shockwave-macromedia
    Many of the Media Players could be found here

My Personal Trick Shot Video Clips
I'll show you some old ones and some new ones. Of course I'll only show you the ones I make. I apologize for the sound and lighting quality but I'm still working on them and haven't yet mastered the TV look yet. Remember that a cue scratch is OK in Trick Shots.  I'll let you judge for yourself the difficulty of each shot.
My Webcam: Dexxa Webcam    My Billiard Table: Connelly 8' Sabino Burgundy Red        My Chalk: Burgundy Silver Cup
        My Billiard Cue Stick: 20 oz. Players  (I would gladly except a free McDermott Wildlife Series Stick Donation from you)

 RealPlayer {.RAM}or (.rm) movie/video clip format;   SOUND is included with most shots   CREDITS (this link is comming soon)
1 Two Plus One = 3                                                               9 sec  146 KB
2   Four Ball Split                                                                 7.5 sec  120 KB
3   Eight Ball Will be first to fall into corner pocket      21.3 sec   338 KB
4   Across and downtown                                               4.2  sec     77 KB 
5   "Color of Money" 9 ball bank                                      4.4 sec   81 KB
6   "Color of Money" shot plus one I added to it            5 sec    88 KB 
7   "Color of Money" Tom Cruise Masse                        4.2 sec   80 KB
8   Cross Over "Crossing the busy Street"  2nd  clip    8.7 sec  139 KB
9   Double Bank Far Pocket                                                 5.4 sec   89 KB
10  Double and Single                                                         6.2 sec   104 KB
11  Double Splits                                                                  6.2 sec   107 KB
12  One ball in each side pocket                                         5.8 sec    97 KB
13  Extreme follow along rail to pocket ball      2nd clip  6.6 sec   112 KB
14  Extreme Follow "Lets Go Around"  objects 2nd clip  5.4 sec  91 KB 
15  Far and Away              2nd Clip                                  7.1 sec   119 KB
16  Foot Spot Split                                                               5.8 sec   100 KB
17  Four balls Four Pockets   2nd clip                                2.9 Sec  51 KB
18  "The Hustler" famous shot plus I added one more    3.7 sec  70 KB
19  Side ball off the hidden cue                                       10.8 sec   179 KB
20  "Jam'n" 2nd clip / 3rd clip                      3.7 sec  70 KB
21  Jumping over wall of balls to pocket side ball          7.1 sec   119 KB
22  Jumping over wall of balls to pocket side ball again   3.3 sec  62 KB
23  Jumping over wall of balls                                              3.7 sec   71 KB
24  Jumping over wall of balls to pocket far pocket ball  3.7 sec   70 KB
25  The "Lazy Man Rack"                                                    5.8 sec   95 KB
26 Masse off and around other balls                              6.6 sec  111 KB
27  Hit row of balls and only pocket the Middle Ball    12.1 sec  198 KB
28  No. 49 Fred Herrmann Shot                                          4.1 sec 69 KB
29  Opposite Pockets Attract  "Wrong Pocket" 2nd  / 3rd     6.2 sec
30  Out from behind          2nd clip  /  3rd clip       4.4 sec  81 KB
31  Out from behind; Hitting Winged Ducks  2nd3rd clip  6.2 sec 
32  Over The Top - Pocketing only the top ball             9.6 sec  154 KB
33  Rail Road shot (nearly)                                               12.1 sec  199 KB
34  Rail Road Shot (Short version)   2nd  /  3rd clip     12.1 sec 195 KB
35  RoseBud Cluster       different angle 2nd clip         11.2 sec 182 KB
36  "You Take High Road I'll Take Low Road" 2nd / 3rd clips   8 sec 
37  Simple Split                                                                      5.8 sec  95 KB
38  Straight across the alley "Door to Door"    2nd Clip 3.7 sec  72 KB
39  Triple Bank near pocket                                                 6.2 sec  97 KB
40  Two in side pocket and One in other side pocket   5.8 sec  100 KB
41  Hit row of balls and only pocket two outside balls   5.8 sec  99 KB
42  Which fell first?        2nd Clip  /  3rd Clip                     2.9 sec  54 KB
43  Opposite corners                                                            5 sec     81 KB
44  Michael Phelan's Challenge Shot                               8.3 sec  127 KB
45  Middle table split        2nd clip                                    7.5 sec  118 KB
46  Subtle Four Ball Cluster                                               7.1 sec  111 KB
47  Optical Illusion          2nd clip3rd clip                      3.7 sec   63 KB
48  North and East
49 "Last one falls first"   2nd clip
50  Johnny Archer Split 
51  Three balls split and draw 
To view some of my Trick Shot video clips you will need to have Realplayer installed onto your computer already.
If you do not already have Real Player then you could download it here   (Look for the free version)

OTHER Trick, Artistic, and Skill Shot Websites
Stefano Pelinga Trick Shot Videos
        Video Clip # 1    (.mov)    Bottle
        Video Clip  # 2   (.mov)    Masse
        Video Clip # 3    (.mov)    Masse
        Video Clip # 4    (.mov)    Masse
        Stefano's Trick Shot of the Month    (.htm)

Pool School Trick Shot Site
        The Hook              {.AVI}  (Masse across short side of table back to pocket ball in near side pocket)
        3-Bagger               {.AVI}  (Three balls pocketed one)
        The Great Escape  {.AVI} (Cue trapped behind wall of balls jumps over 3 rails to pocket ball)
        Hoops                   {.AVI}

Tom "Dr. Cue" Rossman from Pool players Trick Shots
        Whoops! The Bottom    (.html)
        The Push is ON!            (.html)
        Video Clip # 1  (.MPG)    (I heard this shot referred to as "The Rocket")
        Video Clip # 2  (.MPG)    (Three separate Masse shots)
        Video Clip # 3  (.MPG)    (Speed Jumps and Speed Drills)

Trick Shot Video Clips by Joe  His Bio     (11 shots)   {.AVI}
           4 balls 4 pockets      564kb     4 sec.   {.AVI}
           Check the foot spot  567kb     4 sec.   {.AVI}
           Butterfly                   802kb     7 sec.   {.AVI}
           Slide bank               962kb     4 sec.   {.AVI}
           8 ball slide             1.08mb    5 sec.   {.AVI}
           Go around             1.13mb     5 sec.   {.AVI}
           Draw on the 4th ball 1.43mb  7 sec.   {.AVI}
           Tight corner           1.67mb    8 sec.   {.AVI}
           Using a coin           1.29mb  14 sec.   {.AVI}
           Reverse Bank         919kb     9 sec.   {.AVI}
           Just Showing Off     1.82mb 10 sec.   {.AVI}

CueAction 16 Trick Shots  Steve Daking's Trick Shot Exhibition   To view the trickshots online you need to have the Flash Media player installed. You can download Macromedia Flash player for free from here    To download the trickshots, click the appropriate link and select, 'save to disk' when prompted.
 Shot 1 The Pearl 
View Trickshot Online 
Download Trickshot
Shot 6 Rat-a-tat-tat 
View Trickshot Online
Download Trickshot
Shot 11 Masse 
View Trickshot Online
Download Trickshot
Shot 2 Over 'n' Under 
View Trickshot Online
Download Trickshot 
Shot 7 Railroad
View Trickshot Online
Download Trickshot
Shot 12 Impossible Red 
View Trickshot Online
Download Trickshot
Shot 3 Cushion Jump 
View Trickshot Online
Download Trickshot
Shot 8    5 in 1
View Trickshot Online
Download Trickshot
Shot 13 Indian File 
View Trickshot Online
Download Trickshot
Shot 4 Cushion Jump 2 
View Trickshot Online
Download Trickshot
Shot 9 The Walk 
View Trickshot Online
Download Trickshot 
Shot 14 Jaw Masse 
View Trickshot Online 
Download Trickshot
Shot 5 Roundabout 
View Trickshot Online
Download Trickshot
Shot 10 Blackout 
View Trickshot Online
Download Trickshot
Shot 15 Rail Masse 
View Trickshot Online
Download Trickshot
                                                                                                                                Shot 16 Rapid Fire
                                                                                                                           View Trickshot Online
                                                                                                                           Download Trickshot

   PastTime Billiards Trick Shots ( 9 Shots) {.ram}
    1    Masse around an object ball to make a combination {.ram}
    2    I failed to see what the Trick/Skill shot was but possibly 9-ball in on break {.ram}
    3    "Railroad" type of shot {.ram}
    4    Four balls with one shot (one in each side pocket, one in each opposite corner pocket) {.ram}
    5    5 Rail Shot to sink ball in opposite corner pocket {.ram}
    6    Jump thru the triangle {.ram}
    7    Long Bank Shot and then cueball hits another in corner pocket {.ram}
    8    Long Shot then cueballs hits another ball which hits corner pocket ball in {.ram}
    9    Instructional type  Demonstration on how to pocket a ball that is frozen to the rail  {.ram}

Pool Avenue (9 shots) computer generated motion drawings
     8 ball-escape
     3 Rails Follow
     4 Rails Follow
     3 Rails Draw
     Bank 3-Rails
     Butterfly Shot
     6 Balls Pocket
     4 Balls Pocket
     2 Balls Corner

Pool Shots Trick Shots
        Shifting Gear I    (.htm)  Vivo Video clip with sound
        Shifting Gear II   (.htm)  Vivo Video clip
        Masse                (.htm)  Vivo Video clip
        Jump Shot          (.htm)  Vivo Video clip

Master Billiards
           "Tips and Tricks"                (.htm)
           "Railroad" Trick Shot          (.htm)
           "4 in 1 shot"                        (.htm)
           "Around the World 4 in 1"   (.htm)
           "The Hurdle Shot"               (.htm)
           "The Impossible Triangle Shot"    (.htm)
           "The Torpedo"                    (.htm)
           "The Disappearing Shot"      (.htm)

Sarge's Trick Shot Archives   (17 Shots)
        Behind the Wall Shot    (.html)
        The Wonder Shot         (.html)
        Machine Gun                (.html)
        Three Balls in One Stroke    (.html)
        November Shot           (.html)
        Kiss Back                    (.html)
        The Scramble Shot       (.html)
        The Practical Shot        (.html)
        Open The Gate Shot    (.html)
        In The Bag Shot          (.html)
        Two in One                 (.html)
        Two (Plus Two) in One  (.html)
        Ring Around the Rosy    (.html)
        Force Follow and Draw (.html)
        Time Shot                     (.html)
        Bank Drill                     (.html)
        Loop Shot                    (.html)
        The Amazing bottle shot by Ken Aylseworth found at Portland Pool Page    (.htm)

Simon Parker UK Trick Shots or  Mirror Site  or Another ( 7 Shots)  I want to Thank a web viewer for providing me a link to this site
        Trick Shot # 1
        Trick Shot # 2
        Trick Shot # 3
        Trick Shot # 4
        Trick Shot # 5
        Trick Shot # 6
        Trick Shot # 7

UK Pool Trick Shots  ( 9 Shots)  Acknowledge their copyright and authorship
        Three rail 9 ball    (.htm)
        Touchdown          (.htm)
        Jump Back           (.htm)
        Kiss Back            (.htm)
        Impossible 8 ball  (.htm)
        Open the Gate      (.htm)
        Black Pearl           (.htm)
        Four at Once (2)   (.htm)
        Four at Once         (.htm)

UK 8-Ball Trick Shots  (15 Shots)  Acknowledge their copyright and authorship
           Easy                                        Advanced                        Difficult
    January    The Football Shot         Set Up1/Set Up 2    In off 8 reds
    February The Handkerchief        2 Pots in one          Masse1 / Masse2
    March     Impossible Escape          Triangle Balance          Jump over,spinback
    April      In off a circle of Red        Beginners Masse           Masse3
    May       The Awkward Snooker         Off 5 cushions          The Awkward Snooker2
UK8Ball Download site for various Trick Shots

Over Under Shot  930Kb bytes  Tricks - Scary! 
 Baseball Bat Shot  908Kb bytes  Tricks - Easy 
Set up 2  893Kb bytes  Tricks - Easy  26-Jul-2001  *** 
Set up 2  893Kb bytes  Tricks - Easy  26-Jul-2001 
The Beginers Masse Shot  892Kb bytes  Standard 
Beginners Masse  892Kb bytes  Tricks - Standa 
The Football Shot  817Kb bytes  Tricks - Easy 
Masse 2  807Kb bytes  Tricks - Scary!  26-Jul-2001 
The Long Rail Shot  763Kb bytes  Tricks - Scary! 
4 Yellows, 4 pockets  754Kb bytes  Tricks - Standa 
Setup 1  748Kb bytes  Tricks - Easy  22-Aug-2001 
The triangle balance shot  748Kb bytes  Tricks - Standa 
Chopstick Pool  736Kb bytes  Tricks - Easy  27-Jul-2001 
In off 8 Reds  692Kb bytes  Tricks - Standa  23-Jul-2001 
In off a circle of reds  677Kb bytes  Tricks - Easy 
The Handkerchief Shot  608Kb bytes  Tricks - Easy 
Set up 1  487Kb bytes  Tricks - Easy  26-Jul-2001 
Masse 3  469Kb bytes  Tricks - Scary!  23-Jul-2001 
Touching Ball Double  384Kb bytes  Tricks - Easy 
Impossible Snooker Escape  1Mb bytes  Tricks - Easy 
Black & White Piggy back  1Mb bytes  Tricks - Scary! 
Impossible Snooker Escape  1Mb bytes  Tricks - Easy 
The Awkward Snooker 3  1.79 Kb  Tricks - Easy
The Awkward Snooker 2  1.13Mb bytes  Tricks - Standa 
The Awkward Snooker  1.09Mb bytes  Tricks - Easy with 
approx 11+ trick shots

You first have to click on it, then save it, and then unzip it, and then view it

       Chopstick pool   36Kb Easy
       Spinning black  1.02Mb Scary
       4 cushion jump shot  833Kb Advanced
       Reverse cushion jump 441Kb Easy
       One cushion reverse masse 1.09Mb Scary
       Black off 5 cushions 932Kb Easy
       Touching ball double 384Kb Easy
       Setup 1 748Kb Easy
       Black & white piggyback 1Mb Scary
       4 yellows 4 pockets Advanced
       Impossible snooker escape 1Mb Easy
        The impossible plant Advanced
        Impossible billiard shot Scary
        1 shot 2 balls 2 hits 2 pots! Advanced
        Masse Scary Backward missed clip Advanced
        1 cushion forward masse Advanced
        Pyramid shot Easy Check side united! Advanced


Willkommen auf unserer Trickshot-Seite Diagrams from Big Trier e.V. - Wonderful Trick Shot Site  (30 Trick Shots)  {.html}
( Danish or German possible languages?)
Download all 30 wonderful shots compressed into one zip file : Download all 30 Trickshot`s (225 KB)
19 trickshots could be found at which are the same exact as those found on but all 19 are one one page. AND the same as: which has all 30 trick shots and only 5 showing on each page.
The DOWN LOAD ALL site is also: as well as
Or see each shot individually below
1.    Trickshot Nr. 01: The "just showin off" shot
2.    Trickshot Nr. 02:The Butterfly Formation 
3.    Trickshot Nr. 03: The machine-gun shot
4.    Trickshot Nr. 04: The photo-finish shot
5.    Trickshot Nr. 05: Three balls in sequence 1
6.    Trickshot Nr. 06: The resistance draw
7.    Trickshot Nr. 07: Three balls in sequence 2
8.    Trickshot Nr. 08: The Denver sandwich
9.    Trickshot Nr. 09: A final unsolved problem
10.  Trickshot Nr. 10: The Frying Pan Shot
11   Trickshot Nr. 11: The multiple criss-cross
12.   Trickshot Nr. 12: Another shot from Denver
13.   Trickshot Nr. 13: The Football Shot
14.   Trickshot Nr. 14: The left-turn football shot
15.   Trickshot Nr. 15: The football bank shot
16.    Trickshot Nr. 16: Pocket point kick shot 
17.    Trickshot Nr. 17: A subtle four-ball shot 
18.    Trickshot Nr. 18: Mike Massey's shuttle shot
19.    Trickshot Nr. 19: Charlie Webster's Houdini shot 
20.   Trickshot Nr.  20: Holdup double bank & Engl.  feather
21.    Trickshot Nr. 21: The ultimate clearance shot
22.    Trickshot Nr. 22: Scramble shot with add-on
23.    Trickshot Nr. 23: New York Joe's shot expanded
24.    Trickshot Nr. 24: Cut, kiss, carom and throw 
25.    Trickshot Nr. 25: A splendid four-ball shot
26.    Trickshot Nr. 26: A nice shot
27.    Trickshot Nr. 27: The purse snatcher
28.    Trickshot Nr. 28: Hallucination modified
29.    Trickshot Nr. 29: A challenge from Lynchburg 
30.    Trickshot Nr. 30: Sixteen balls at once


Brainshare Online or  (Filipino)
    The Two For Two Shot:

Brainshare Online: Trick Shot Archive  ( 20 shots)  or
The 1-2-3 Shot
The Follow Through Shot
The Domino Effect Shot
The Double Kiss Shot
The DrawBack Shot 
The Diamond Shot
The 3 Ball Give Way Shot
The Off 2 Cusion Shot
The Double Bank Shot 
The 4 Ball Split
The Scramble Shot 
The Split Jump Shot
Hawaii Five All Shot
The Multiple Criss-Cross Shot 
Four Ball Shot
Five-Ball Triangle Shot
Butterfly Trick
From One Ball To Another
Jump Shot 
Three Cushion Shot 


The Corner Pocket Trick Shot Site  (4 Shots) OR  The Corner Pocket Trick Shot (5 shots) Email:
        Trick Shot # 1    (.htm)           Trick Shot # 1    (.htm)
        Trick Shot # 2    (.htm)           Trick Shot # 1    (.htm)
        Trick Shot # 3    (.htm)           Trick Shot # 1    (.htm)
        Trick Shot # 4    (.htm)           Trick Shot # 1    (.htm)

CHS Student Page:
    Trick shot 1          (.htm) Similar to one found in Robert Byrne's 1982 Treasury of Trick Shots..Book pg x
    Trick shot 2          (.htm) Similar to one found in Robert Byrne's 1982 Treasury of Trick Shots..Book pg x
    Trick shot 3          (.htm) Similar to one found in Robert Byrne's 1982 Treasury of Trick Shots..Book pg x
    Trick shot 4          (.htm) Similar to one found in Robert Byrne's 1982 Treasury of Trick Shots..Book pg x
        Some Videos clips (May not be working)

Trick Shots by    (4 Shots)
        2 in 1 and around the table
        Now What?
        Time Shot
        4 in 1

Trick Shots by Jordan Labbe    as known as "Main-E-Ack"     To view you may need the DivX codec to play the file in Media Player
    To view The Trick Shot Files by Jordan Labbe    and

Billiard Town Video Clips   Art of Trick Shots   BY:
        Trick Shot # 1    (.htm)        Video showing path of balls
        Trick Shot # 2    (.htm)        A "Just Showin Off"        Video showing path of balls
        Trick Shot # 3    (.htm)        Tokyo/Kyoto? Freeway    Video showing path of balls
        Trick Shot # 4    (.htm)        Video showing path of balls Trick Shots and Tips            (9 Shots) {.shtml}
    1.    Six balls in one stroke ... using rack
    2.    The Hankie Shots
    3.    Postion Play?
    4.    Using Side Against Nap?
    5.    Iron out the bugs?
    6.    Hitting the Pink?
    7.    Sink the Pink in the middle?
    8.    Practice Drill?
    9.    Advanced Break Building Tech.?

Dave's Trickshots from DePompadour          Pomp Online   ** Very Nice Site but in Dutch/German/French?? Netherlands?
        Butterfly shot
        American Football
        Rosebud Cluster
        Just showin' off
        8-ball shot
        Over De Muur    (jumping over the wall of balls)
        Byrne's Time Shot
        Rotten Rodeny
        3-ball shot
        4-ball shot
        Auto-Opleggen    Lazy Man Rack
        Foto-Finish      4 ball split
        Onmogelijke Bank?    Optical Illustion - Out from Behind Bank
        Cluster- Clearance
        4-ball Split
        Nice Shot
        Cueball Kelly
        5 ball Shot
        Cueball Kelly2
        Denver Sandwich 2
        Lynchburgh Challenge

J.O.'s Billiards Page  (5 Shots) {.avi}
His website stated that:  "Some of my trick shots"
    One     Masse around object balls         (SAME Shots as found on Poolschool website)
    Two     Three balls with one shot           (SAME Shots as found on Poolschool website)
    Three   Jump over obstructions, three rail then combination shot  (SAME Shots as found on Poolschool website)
    Four     Jump thru two Triangles over 15 balls   (SAME Shots as found on Poolschool website)
    To Try    Something Old, Something New  (Linked to Willie Jopling Trick Shot Site)
    More Tricks Sarge Trick Shots   (Link to AZBilliards Sarge Trick Shot Site)

Pool and Billiard Shot Archive    These shots require Macromedia Shockwave Player program
    #27 Soft Draw Proposition    BY: Mikko
    #26 Soft Draw Propostion     BY: Mikko
    #25 Power Draw Proposition Shot  BY: Ron Shepard

C Garner Trick Shot Website  (5 Shots)    Same ones found at Master Billiards by Jim Wych
    Around the World         Same ones found at Master Billiards by Jim Wych
    Four In One                  Same ones found at Master Billiards by Jim Wych
    The Hurdle Shot           Same ones found at Master Billiards by Jim Wych
    The Triangle shot          Same ones found at Master Billiards by Jim Wych
    The Torpedo Shot        Same ones found at Master Billiards by Jim Wych

Artistic Billiards Trick Shots     (10 Shots)  ** FYI-The diagrams are outstanding but the language used is not English..Sorry
        TRICK ONE    (.html)
        TRICK TWO   (.html)
        TRICK THREE  (.html)
        TRICK FOUR  (.html)
        TRICK FIVE    (.html)
        TRICK SIX       (.html)
        TRICK ONE    (.html)
        TRICK TWO   (.html)
        TRICK ONE    (.html)
        TRICK TWO    (.html)

FCSnooker. UK   ( 7 interactive Trick Shots) with "play" button
1    3 balls
2    2
3    3    Down the aisle.
4    4    Double Hit off opp cushion into near pocket
5    5    Machine Gun with first to fall last
6       Going thru
7       Foot Spot Trick Shots {.RAM}
        TRICK SHOT SHOW by Tommy  (4 Min ) {.RAM} I lost the exact page location but will find it soon. Sorry
        TRICK SHOT MASSE                  ( 3 Min ) {.RAM}

Semih Sayginer Turkish Snooker Trick Shots (5 shots) They run consective  one after another (computer generated video clips)

Hawazuzi  (2 Shots)  Computer generated motion pictures
    Extreme Follow with a three bank
    Side Pocket Slide

Jim Loy's  Another Trick Billiards Shot        Snooker
Jim Loy : Another Trick Billiards Shot "…artistic billiard shot of mine seems to have won the 1999 2nd Artistic Carom Billiard Championship on the Internet"

LaSociete du Billiards Trick Shots
        Three in One (Pool)   (.htm)
        Four in One (Pool)   (.htm)     Looks like a shot when one goes in each side and one in each opp corner
        Five Stripes (Pool)   (.htm)     Using the Rack to hit 5 in with one in rack and draw for opp side.
        Six in One (Pool)   (.htm)       Butterfly Shot    By: "Ray Allard The Trick Shot Expert"
        Trick Shot Video  video link to trick shots:*
        *To watch this clip in VDO format, you need the VDOLive Player 3.02 Download player here
        Ray Allard Trick Shot "Expert"

John Virgo's Trick Shots   Same diagrams and shots could be found on
        The Bermuda Triangle    (.htm)
        In the Pink    (.htm)

Jim Meador Trick Shots
        The Long and Straight    (.htm)
        The Masse                     (.htm)

Willie Jopling Trick Shots  ( 2 Shots)
        Something Old, Something New    (.html)
        15 Ball Combo                              (.html)

Written description on  how to perform the "Four Bagger"   {.htm}

Tricks with Sticks by Red Jones
    Rebounder-  8 ball and cue ball frozen to rail- Cue causes 8 to go backward into opposite corner pocket  (.htm)

TalkCity 9ballKahuna    {.htm}
    Just Push It A Little

U.K. Snooker site:
Machine Gun Shot   - Snooker

Santa Clarita Pool League
        Video Clip        (.mov)  Masse used in a commecial

Fraser of Canada
        6 Balls in 6 Pocket      (.htm)    (also known as the butterfly)    (2053K size)    simple jump and timed shot

Portland Pool page Trick Shots On-Line:   OR  (3 Shots)
        Five In One              (.pdf)   Similar to those found in Steve Mizerak's 1982 Pocket Billliard and Trick Shot Book pg 97
        The Lazy Man Rack (.pdf)   Similar to those found in Steve Mizerak's 1982 Pocket Billliard and Trick Shot Book pg 99
        Through The Bag      (.pdf)   Similar to those found in Steve Mizerak's 1982 Pocket Billliard and Trick Shot Book pg 95

Trick Shot Pool bySouthBeach Marina     (8 Diagram/Picture shots)
    Butterfly                                      (.htm) Similar to one found in Robert Byrne's 1982 Treasury of Trick Shots..Book pg 07
    Football                                       (.hm) Similar to one found in Robert Byrne's 1982 Treasury of Trick Shots...Book pg 10
    Left Turn Football                        (.htm) Similar to one found in Robert Byrne's 1982 Treasury of Trick Shots..Book pg 19
    New York Joe's Shot Expanded  (.htm) Similar to one found in Robert Byrne's 1982 Treasury of Trick Shots..Book pg172
    Danver Sandwich Variation          (.htm) Similar to one found in Robert Byrne's 1982 Treasury of Trick Shots.Book pg158
    The "Just Showin Off" Shot          (.htm) Similar to one found in Robert Byrne's 1982 Treasury of Trick Shots...Book pg 05
    Ten Ball Mystery Shot                 (.htm) Not Working Well !!
    Football Bank Shot                      (.htm) Similar to one found in Robert Byrne's 1982 Treasury of Trick Shots..Book pg 20

So you wanna be a hustler?  You came to the right place.  In this section, you will find Trick Shots, Betchas, and Pool Instructions from a pool legend.
    Chef Anton's Magical Menu of Pool Ball Wizardry //  Same Shots but found on
    Chef Antons Trick Shots and betchas Site        (17 Shots)          Chef Antons Trick Shots on AZBilliards Archives Site             (33 Shots) (.htm)

    May 2001 - The Teenage
    April 2001 - Last Pocket 8 Ball
    March 2001 - Kyle Saunders - 1st Place
    February 2001 - Dave - 2nd Place                                          February 2001 Dave's 2nd place shot
    January 2001 - Dean Dubbs - 3rd Place                                  January 2001 Dean Dubbs 3rd Place
    December 2000 - Faux Finger Pool                                         December 2000 Faux Finger Pool
    November 2000 - Mike Sigel's Favorite
    October 2000 - Pool Sharks Get Bit                                         October 2000 Pool Sharks Get Bit
    September 2000 - A Classic Revisited                                       September 2000 Leonard Cornell's Honorable Mention
    August 2000 - Craig Wilkening                                                  August 2000 Craig Wilkening's Honorable Mention
    July 2000 - Hugo Pehrman                                                        July 2000 Hugo Pehrman Honorable Mention
    June 2000 - Leonard Cornell                                                     June 2000 Leonard Cornell Honorable Mention
    May 2000 - Calvin Fujitani Challenge                                         May 2000 Calvin Fujitani Honorable Mention
    April 2000 - Charlie Ball’s Lake Placid                                       April 2000 Lake Placid
    March 2000 - Jeff McCain - 1st Place                                        March 2000 Ball In Hand
    February 2000 - Gary Pope - 2nd Place                                      February 2000 Second Place Finisher Gary Pope
    January 2000 - Prather's Avoided Collision - 3rd Place                January 2000 Prather's Avoided Collision
                                                                                                        December 1999 - K9
                                                                                                        November 1999 - Skeet Shooter
                                                                                                       October 1999 - 4th and Goal   Flash Version
                                                                                                        September 1999 - Last Pocket 8 Ball
                                                                                                        August 1999 -Synchronized Swimming
                                                                                                        July 1999 - The Co-Ed Dormitory
                                                                                                        May 1999 - The Six Ball Secret
                                                                                                        February 1999 - Leonard Cornell's Second Place Shot
                                                                                                        January 1999 - Craig Wilkening's 4 Rail Kick Shot
                                                                                                        December 1998 - The Grifter's Dream
                                                                                                        November 1998 - Leonard Cornell's 4-Ball Challenge
                                                                                                        October 1998 - Steve Harvey's Tournament Winner
                                                                                                        September 1998-  Mike Steiner's - Send It
                                                                                                        September 1998 - Mike Sigel's Favorite Shot
                                                                                                        August 1998 - Pinball Machine
                                                                                                        August 1998 - The Impossible Masse
                                                                                                        July 1998 -    Bumper Car

Pool and Billiard Related Clips:
(Movies, Commercials, Full Length Games, etc.)

Soon To Be Released:     New Pool Hall / Billiards Movie coming out:  "Pool Hall Junkies"
            Behind the Scenes: of the new movie "Pool Hall Junkies" Stream Videos of Games
    Stream Videos:
        Will Bilbrey and John Foster (26 Min) Or Here {.RAM}
        Mario Cruz and Steve Knight (34 Min) Or Here {.RAM}
        Jeremy Jones and Johnny Archer (32 Min) {.RAM}
        Charlie Williams and Rob Melrose (43 Min) {.RAM}
        Dave Grossman and Tommy Kennedy (50 Min) {.RAM}
        Charlie Williams and Dave Grossman  (31 Min) {.RAM}
        Buddy Hall (BCA Hall of Famer) and Tommy Kennedy  (37 Min) {.RAM}
        Adam Wheeler and Mario Cruz  (38 Min)  {.RAM}
        John Foster and Mario Cruz  (35 Min) {.RAM}
        Tommy Kennedy and John DiToro (39 Min)
        Tommy Kennedy and Jimmy Wales ( 29 Min)

Accu-Stats Videos
    BilliardsPool About Accu-Stats site
        Sample Video #1
        Sample Video #2

Video Clip Billiard Related Commercials:
    Chicken                 Budweiser
    Hit on Forehead    Budweiser
    Hockey Check      Fox-NHL

PoolSchool Cue-Tech Tips as seen on ESPN
Shooting close to a ball:    High Bandwidth    Low Bandwidth  (.ram)
Shooting Softly:         High Bandwidth Low Bandwidth  (.ram)
Using the "rake"         High Bandwidth    Low Bandwidth  (.ram)

Grady Mathews Website
Grady Mathews Short Video Clips
Clip #  1 Clip #  2 Clip #  3 Clip #  4 Clip #  5 Clip #  6 Clip #  7 Clip #  8 Clip #  9
Clip #  10 Clip #  11 Clip #  12 Clip #  13 Clip #  14 Clip #  15 Clip #  16 Clip #  17 Clip #  18
Clip #  19 Clip #  20 Clip #  21 Clip #  22 Clip #  23 Clip #  24 Clip #  25 Clip #  26


Billiards and Pool Trick Shot History

Trick Shot Trading Cards:
Taken in part, with permission, from an article  "Collecting Snooker Memorabilia by J. Michael Young"
“ The earlier twentieth century tobacco cards of interest to the snooker collector feature prominent players of the time such as Bateman, Peall and Roberts, or series of instructional billiards shots or trick shots (Billiards by John Roberts 1909, Billiards by Willie Smith 1928, Billiards by Tom Newman 1928, Trick Billiards by Newman-Mond 1934).”  As found at:
A few of the Newman-Mond cards  and a few of the Australian cards can be viewed at the provided links.
To View  J. Michael Young's entire collection of cards please visit:  Cue Sports Memorabilia

Trick Shot mentioned in Auctions
Ebay:  (
    Ebay Search Results for "Billiard"    in all categories in title and description
    Ebay Search Results for "Trick* Shot*"  in all categories in title and description
 Movies:Movies:Videos:Instructional  (search for Billiard*, Pool*)
 Movies:Movies:Videos:Sports          (search for Billiard), Pool*)
 Sports:Memorabilia:Billiards             (search for Trick*, etc.)    Results will yield tobacco cards, books, videos and other information
 Sports:Sporting Goods:Billiards        (search for Trick*,etc.)     Results will yield tobacco cards, books, videos and other information

News Groups and Message Boards
Rec.Sport.Billiard Newsgroup, not a web site   OR    Rec.Sport.Billiard Newsgroup thru the web  Using News:
                                                               Alt.Sport.Pool thru the web                          Using News:
                                                               Alt.Sport.Snooker thru the web                    Using News:

Andy Segal Trick Shot      Bulletin Board
Pool and Billiard Magazine Chalk Board
Billiards Digest Magazine  Cue Chalk Board OR Chat Room
The Billiards Channel        Message Board    OR    Message Board         Discussion Forum
On the Snap          Message Board
AZBilliards          Forum
Easy Pool Tutor      Message Board Billiard Forum website Message Board    OR    Message Board
Clicks Billiards      Message Board       Message Board Forum
OnTheCheese Billiards  Message Boards    OR    Message Board
Women & Billiards Online Magazine  (WBOM) Dicussion Board  Message Board
Billiard Town Message Board
Northside Pool Message Board
All Experts Message Board
San Diego Pool Association  Message Board
Canadian Billiards Dicussion Forum
Seybert's Billiard Supply   Dicussion Forums
The Billiard Room 2000  Messages OR More Here Message Board
The Monks Pool Board!  Message Board!  Message Index
ICQ Community: Pool Players Paradise  Billiard Message Board and more Billiards Chat here
The Billiards Tour Chat Room  (login required)
WPA     Bulletin Board
PoolBilliards Discussion Board
Swtdreamers Pool & Billiards Message Board
BDLP Pool Message Board
Home of the Triple Pool Message Board
EZBoard    Billiard Community message board listings
Welsh8ball Community Billiards/Pool Message Board
Hill Hill's Message Board
OTC Interactive Billiard Talk
Easy Pool Tutor Community
Game Alpha Forums
World Billiard Federation
Rack 'n' Roll Discussion Board
Mississippi Billiards
woensdagavond clubleden
Billiards Discussion
Billiards Tables Discussion
Billiards Cues
Monthly Web Archive for Albertirsa Trickshot Masters  Discussion Board  (In a Language other than English)

Trick Shot Articles, Newsletters and Billiard Magazines
Amateur Billiards Newspaper
American Cueist Magazine
The Artistic Pocket Newsletter
Pool & Billiard Magazine
Snooker Scene

WPA World Champion for 2001 in Artistic Pool
Las Vegas Nevada      May 16-18, 2001      Riviera Hotel & Casino
" WPA World Champion for 2001 in Artistic Pool and his name is no longer a secret, CHARLES DARLING"
Read the entire story " The Cindarella Story "   or Read the entire story her " The Cinderella Story"

Article on Trick Shots but in German/Dutch/? Language other than English


Current World Class Professionals:

        ( who has a wonderful video " Mind Blowing Trick Shots in Pool and Billiards " Vol. 1  of his 150 outstanding trick shots)

Charles Darling of Small Town (15,000) Missouri   "2001 Champion of the World in Artistic Pool"
    Nickname: Charles "Spitball Charlie" Darling

Mike Massey   WPA World Champion     (Also known as the Tennessee Tarzan)  "2000 Champion of the World in Artistic Pool"

Paul Gerni         WTSA Champion  Shawnee Resident Johnson County Kansas/ Kansas City Area
        City Lites     The 22 time Trick Shot World Artistic Pool Champion  He uses a $6,000 Pechauer pool cue.
                            Paul Gerni, 6333 Long St. Suite 200, Shawnee Mission, KS 66216
        Website devoted to Mr. Paul Gerni

        Article about Mr. Paul Gerni

  (Article Artistic Pool )    World Champion pool trick shot artist Paul Gerni is currently ranked #1 by the World Trick Shot Artist association, the      official organization of the top trick  shot artists around the world.  He has earned the nicknames  "Ambassador of Pool" and   the "Grand Master of Trickshots" by winning the World Championships of  times.
Pictures of  Jim Sommer, Stefano Pelinga and Paul Gerni in Texas?

Stefano Pelinga - Italian Champion    ranked #3 according to the World Trick Shots Artist Association (WTSAA)

    Longonicues     email:      website:
                             email:     Offical Website:
                                Mailing Address:   Stefano
                                Via Pomezia 44
                                00183 Roma (Italy)

                                Tel & Fax: +39 06 77206748
                                Mobile: +39 348 3388881

Herbert Friedmann - German Champion

Klas Andreasson - Swedish Champion

Jim Sommer - Danish Champion
    "15. oktober 2000.  from:
Danske Jim Sommer har været i USA her i oktober måned og deltaget i en international Trick-shot turnering.
Der blev spillet efter knock-out systemet, og semifinalerne og finalen, blev optaget til senere udsendelse mellem midten af November og midten af December på ESPN og ESPN 2, begge kanaler er landsdækkende sportskanaler i USA.
Der var $ 25000.- til nummer 1 $5000 til nummer 2, $2000 til 3 og 4, $ 1500 til 5 til 8.
Vinder af turneringen blev Mike Massey, nummer 2 blev Paul Gerni, nummer 3 og 4 blev Lars Riiber og Stefano Pelinga, 5 Blev Jim Sommer, Danmark, 6 blev Herbert Friedemann, 7 blev Klas Andreasson og sidst blev Vincent Facquet."
    Sommer, Jim.
Member of Hardbreakers Pool Club, Roskilde.
Disciplines: Pool and Trickshots
Personal website:

Lars Harald Riiber - Norwegian Champion

Vincent Facquet - World Masters Champion      "Vince the Prince"
    The Billiard Channel Bio
" Vincent Facquet, champion du monde de Trick-Shot, labellise votre billard "
Vincent Facquet, partenaire officiel de la société BMV International pour la France et à l'étranger, ma mission consistre en outre à tester, améliorer puis approuver la quelité du jeu en général et plus particulièrement le bon rendement de l'ardoise, du tapis et des bandes.


2000 ESPN Trick Shot Magic Standings:
    1.    Mike Massey
    2.    Paul Gerni
    3.    Stefano Pelinga

Trick Shot Magic results with Individuals names and origin
2000 Trick Shot Magic results as sponsered by Olhausen Billiards
Trick Shot Magic AZBilliards show Tournament results
2000    Trick Shot Magic

(check local listings)
The ESPN Zone
43 East Ohio Street
Chicago, Illinois. October 4th & 5th March 25th, 12:30 P.M., PST
April 2nd, 6:00 P.M., PST
The Trick Shot Magic tournament consists of twenty skill shots and ten artistic show shots in each match. Players will execute a challenge shot of their choice, and their opponents are required to duplicate the shot or lose a point. The players alternate shots in two-man, head-to-head matches, performing intricate trick shots meant to stymie their opponents. A sudden-death tiebreaker to decide a match will require an eight-rail bank shot onto the face of a $100 bill. The Winner will claim $25,000 and the Trick Shot title.

Trick Shot Magic will present eight international stars of the sport contending for a purse of $40,000:

Mike Masey- winner of the 2000 WPA World Artistic Pool-USA
Paul Gerni- winner of the 2000 World Championship of Artistic Pool-USA.
Lars Riiber- Norwegian Champion an European Trick Shot Championship Runner-up - Norway.
Stefano Pelinga- Italian Championship and International Challange Cup Runner-up - Italy.
Vincent Facquet- winner of the World Masters Trick Shot Championship - France.
Jim Sommer- Danish Champion and World Championship of Artistic Pool Runner-up - Denmark.
Herbert Friedmann- Germany's Champion and World Ranked in Artistic Pool- Germany.
Klas Anderson- Swedish Champion and third in the International Challenge Cup- Sweden.

WPA World Champion for 2001 in Artistic Pool
Las Vegas Nevada      May 16-18, 2001      Riviera Hotel & Casino
" WPA World Champion for 2001 in Artistic Pool and his name is no longer a secret, CHARLES DARLING"
Read the entire story " The Cindarella Story " or Read the entire story her " The Cinderella Story"
    Top three World Artistic Pool Champions are:
        1. Charles Darling (USA)
        2. Mike Massey (USA)
        3. Herbert Friedemann (Germany)

Results of a Trick Shot Compotition:
Billard - Weltmeisterschaften (Snooker - Trickshots)

Article with Artistic Pool mentioned and results: : NVEA Las Vegas
"Also exciting the crowds earlier in the week was Dr. Cue Mr. Tom  Rossman. The Doctors fast-paced, energy filled show always draws tremendous crowds as he grips you with his highly skilled pool artistry and witty lingo.  Again this year, Dr. Cue held his Artistic Shot Making competition culminating  in the 6 th Annual World Artistic Pool Championship. The first challenge Dr. Cue held attracted 80 contestants with cash and a unique Artistic Pool trophy   up for grabs. Doug Moore of Bryan, Ohio captured first place, $198 and an   acrylic award in this first event while Ed Wyse of West Unity, OH captured   second place which paid $132 plus a trophy. Tyler Edie of Red Deer, Alberta   beat out 135 other participants in the second Artistic Pool event pocketing  himself $330 along with a beautiful trophy. Veteran Barry Smith from Freeport,  Bahamas proudly finished in second place pocketing $220 and a trophy. The   third event was to decide the World Artistic Pool Champion. With 8 countries  ready to do battle in the finals, competition got underway. With some great  scores being recorded, and over 100 spectators, everyone anxiously awaited the outcome. In the end it was a battle between Russia and the U.S. with Russian   Dmitryi Kuznetsov capturing the title and beautiful Artistic Pool award. Ed   Wyse from Ohio finished second. Also, $540 was collected throughout the event to be given to the growing VNEA Junior Program."
Copied with permission of

Full Credit goes to the Wondeful and Gifted "Dr. Cue" for compiling these "Artistic Pool" results  which could be
located on his website:
     "Artistic Pool" Dateline  ** HISTORY **   Need permission to link to these sites and/or copy with credits.
      Results 2001 BCA North American Qualifier
      Results 2001 WPA World Tournament
      Results 2001 BCA Amateur "Artistic Pool"
      Press Release/Results from May 2000 Events



1. Mike Massey Website

Mike Massey Wins Again    Article by:
(French ) Aritcle by:     about ESPN Trick Shot Magic


Current Trick Shot Artists and Showman:
Dave Pearson
Dave Pearson Trick Shots
    World Records in Billiards
         1.    26.5 seconds to shoot 15 balls, waiting for cue ball to stop and the 8 ball has to go in last.
         2.    16,499 balls pocketed in 24 hours. That is an amazing 1100 racks!
         3.   10 pool tables in 9 minutes 19.7 seconds.
         4.    2 pool tables in 1 minute 49.7 seconds.

Chef Anton
Chef Antons Trick Shots
Chef Anton's Contest - Send Chef a trick shot that he's never seen before and you could win an autographed video.

Tom "Dr. Cue" Rossman
Artistic Pool - Tom "Dr. Cue" Rossman's site promoting Artistic Pool
“Dr. Cue”   Tom Rossman:
Article about Mr. Tom Rossman
Artistic Pool Newsletter by "Dr. Cue"

Tom "Dr. Cue" Rossman from Pool players Trick Shots
        Whoops! The Bottom    (.html)
        The Push is ON!            (.html)
        Video Clip # 1  (.MPG)    (I heard this shot referred to as "The Rocket")
        Video Clip # 2  (.MPG)    (Three separate Masse shots)
        Video Clip # 3  (.MPG)    (Speed Jumps and Speed Drills)

Semih Sayginer performed Trick Shots :
Semih Sayginer Turkish Snooker Trick Shots (5 shots) They run consective  one after another (computer generated video clips)
Various Trick Shot Videos For Sale By Accu-Stats:   SL3-10: Artistic Billiards Exhibition By Semih Sayginer

Steve Daking's UK's Trick Shot Exhibitionist   Steve is available and performs  trick shot exhibitions throughout the UK. Represented by Cue Action Promotions

Senior and Former Trick Shot Artists

Norm "Farmer" Webber Trick Shot Website
    Article on Norm "Farmer" Webber

Buddy "The Rifelman" Hall Official Website
        Trick Shots

Ken (Sarege)  Aylesworth Website  email:
Ken 'Sarge' Aylesworth
    "On the Road Again"
    Sarge's Trick Shot Archives 17 Shots
Ken Sarge Aylesworth Portland Pool Page information

"Adrian Viguera is a former Artistic Billiard Champion of Mexico City..."

The World Pool Trickshots. There are six players and each does a 12 minute routine of trickshots to entertain a packed crowd. At the end the audience vote for the winner. Regularly won by Poland's Bogdan Wolkowski, the World Pool Trickshots is broadcast across the globe

Steve Mizerak:  "The Miz" perfomed a shot "off" another players mouth while laying on table as seen on Portland Pool Page

Trick Shot Instruction:
       Xavier Fonellosa Casanovas
      WBIA Certified Master Instructor Artistic Billiards

      Comte Borrell, 8-14, 6-4
      Barcelona, Spain  08015
Mr. Fonellosa is 10 times Spanish Champion       Email:
                                            1 time European Champion
                                            2 times World Champion of Artistic Billiards
                                            Mr Fonellosa is the WBIA recommened Instructor for ARTISTIC BILLIARDS

Various Articles on Jack White performing Trick Shots:
    Jack White Article
        Students Entertained by Master Pool Shark - Kansas State University's newspaper about Jack White's January 1996 trick shot exhibition.

Article Jack White had written about Willie Mosconi

Artcle about Scott Lee: Pool pro takes a shot at the Illini Union  doing trick shots

Willie Jopling

Jimmy Caras    Four time World's Pocket Billiards Champion
    Published a book "Trick and Fancy Shots in Pocket Billiards Made Easy" By Jimmy Caras
    1948-1966 by James S Caras  241 Hemlock Lane Springfield, Penna.   Library of Congress # A 94775

May Kaarlus   Spectacular turn-of-the-century trick-shot artist

Found at the APA website:
"Women accept competition against men in pool with open arms, and have for over a century.  In 1901, May Kaarlus, a trick-shot artist, performed a series of amazing billiard shots in New York City.  Her male counterparts tried and failed to duplicate her shots. In the 1930's Ruth McGinnis, toured with Willie Mosconi. As noted in Ripleys "Believe it or Not" About Billiards, Ruth ran 53 consecutive balls at Alingers Billiards Academy in Philadelphia, Pa.  She was acclaimed the world women's champion between 1932-1940.  During this time, out of approximately 1,500 challenge matches she lost only 29. Ruth was 98% effective against her opponent. From 1967 to 1971, Dorothy Wise won five consecutive U.S. Opens. She was winning the title with a balls-per-inning average of about 2.3, while the top men were averaging six to eight times that number. Today, women professionals continue to make tracks in professional pool. As more women participate in pool, the gap between men and women players continues to close."  Copied with permission from the APA Websmaster/Creative Director

J.R. Calvert     Calvert is a world champion trick shot artist and currently ranks in  Top 25 of the Camel Pro Billiards Series.

Loree Jon's
Loree Jon's Pool Tables Plus
187 Halton Road
Greenville, SC 29607
Telephone: 864.286.3366
Fax: 864.286.1555

Chas. Paterson:  In May 1935, famous trick shot billiard star Chas Peterson ran 20,000 points at straight rail billiards in 101 minutes, 8 seconds. He scored 100 points in 22 seconds.   (as found on Portland Pool Trivia Page)

Captain Mingaud:  In a Paris jail during the French Revolution political prisoner Captain Mingaud discovered that it was possible to exercise a degree of control over the cue ball. When he had completed his sentence, Miguad asked for and received an extension of his term to allow him to perfect his technique. He then took his show on the road, attracting large crowds with a dazzling display of trick shots.    (as found on Portland Pool Trivia Page)
In about 1815, a French political prisoner, Captain Francois Mingaud, discovers the amazing things that can be done with a cueball if a leather tip is put on the cue.
He asks for his sentence to be extended so he can continue his researches. Upon his release he tours Europe giving exhibitions of trick shots that are so dazzling that
some observers see the devil's hand. (as found on Byren's History)

Fast Eddie Parker
    World Records in Billiards
        1.    His first world record was to pocket 22 balls in one legal stroke.
        2.    Tower:  30 racks and 90 balls to a height of 13 feet, 9 inches

Antique and Older Books Published by early Trick Shot Artists
    Mingaud's (1827)
    Mingaud (1830)  Very Rare
        **Only TWO known copies exist today 1.) At the Library of Congress and one at the Unversity of Notre Dame.**
    Phelan    (1858)
    McCleery (1890)
    Thatcher  (1898)
    Stancliffe (?pre 1900) "Fun on the Billiard Table being a collection of amusing tricks and games for amateurs with diagrams)
    Herrmann( 1902 and reissued in 1967 by Dover)
    Caras (1948)
    Ponzi (1948)
    Mosconi (1965)
** The richest resource of materials can be found in one ananymous written book called " Trick and Fancy Pocket Billiard Shots" published in 1918. This book is a gold mine of valuable information but sadly the author is not paid their full respect having gone unacknowledged.**

    Other Printed references regarding Trick Shots could be found in these sources:
        Monthly National Billiard News ( First published in 1962- ?)
        Bi-Monthly Billiards Digest        ( 1978-?
        American Billiard Review           ( 1969-1977)

About 1920's Ralph Greenlead was performing Trick Shots for crowds
George H Sutton- Performed a one-handed behind the back shot for crowds
Henry Lewis- Performed a run of forty six in straight billiards shooting only with his nose.

Copied with permission of Mr. Bob Jewett
Hans de Jager gets Jimmyed from: Unusual Pool and Snooker injuries

(A Bob Jewett contribution to

One of the shots in Artistic Billiards called the "Jimmy" -- I don't know why it's called that -- has you shoot a stick- vertical masse shot near the corner in which the cue ball hits the first ball and then at least four cushions in that corner before coming out to hit the second ball. The shot requires a special technique to get the stick out of the way bacause the first object ball is less than half an inch from the cue ball. You have to pull the stick away from the ball just as you hit it.

Anyway, Hans de Jager relates the story of a competitor at a championship (World? European?) who moved sideways at the wrong time after pulling the tip out of his free-hand bridge on the up-stroke. Took most of a finger off. Blood all over. The other players had to move to a different corner for that shot. Something to think about the next time you feel sorry for yourself for whacking your knuckles on the table. Hans gives classes in Artistic Billiards, and as far as I know has never lost a student.
Billiard Darwin Awards:

For 2nd Place award winner, Hans de Jager, the Darwin Award was the only thing he walked away with during an artistic billiards competition. One of the shots in Artistic Billiards is called the "Jimmy". To execute a "Jimmy", the player must stroke the cue in a vertical masse shot near the corner in which the cue ball hits the first ball and then at least four cusions in that corner before coming out to hit the second ball. The shot requires a special technique to get the stick out of the way because the first object ball is less than half an inch from the cue ball. You have to pull the stick away from the cueball just as you hit it.

Hans de Jager moved sideways at the wrong time after pulling the tip out of his freehand bridge on the up-stroke. Subsequently he took most of his finger off, with blood quickly soaking into the beautiful Simonis cloth. The other players had to move to another corner for their turn at executing the shot.

Lisa Kudrow / Phoebe Buffay
"Friends" Born: 30th July, 1963
This lovely lady graduated from Vassar Collage with a degree in biology and began working with her father Dr. Lee Kudrow, a world-famous headache specialist, before detouring into comedy with the encouragement of Jon Lovitz, a friend of her older brother's.
Fascinating Facts: Apparently Lisa is a killer pool player and can do a fast array of trickshots. She still performs with an improv group called 'The Transformers'.

Trick Shot Comeption Winners
"Reprinted with express written permission from the Billiard Congress of America"

According to Billiard Congress of America Billiards The Official Rules and Records Book published in 1980
    Pg 151   BCA Amateur Trick Shot Contest Winners
1979- Lousville, Kentucky       Men's Division:    Steve Geller     Women's Division: Suellen Warnes

According to Billiard Congress of America Billiards The Official Rules and Records Book published in 1995
    Pg 136    BCA NA Amateur Artistic Pool Championships
1993                                        Craig Powers, Milwaukee, WI        Runner-up Mark Dimick
1994                                        Joe Shirley, Houston, TX                 Runner-up Rob Ludrign

According to Billiard Congress of America Billiards The Official Rules and Records Book
* New World Standarized Rules published 2000
     Pg 179 & 180    BCA NA Amateur Artistic Pool Championships
           Winner                           Runner-Up
1993        Craig Powers, Milwaukee, WI                                       Mark Dimick
1994         Joe Shirley, Houston, TX                                              Rob Ludrign
1995        Mark Dimick, Oklahoma City, OK                                Dan Henley
1996        Paul Blanchard, St. Bernard, LA                                    Mark Dimick
1997        Ben Alloggio, Houston, TX                                            John James
1998        Jason Kane, New York, NY                                         Chris Flavin
1999        Jason Kane, New York, NY                                         Jason Badrow

    Pg 188            National Junior Artistic Pool Championships
           Winner                                          Age Group         Runner-Up
1993        William Trippe, Tampa FL            18 and Up Open                Aaron Johnson
                Tom Tollardo, Taos, NM             14 and Under Open            Trvor Braymore
                Stacee Adkins, Paducah KY        18 and Under Girls              Kelly Monoski
1994        Jason Roselle, Oshkosh, WI         18 and Under Open            Jason Hill
                Nicholas Tedesco, Las Vegas       14 and Under Open            Kent Montel
                Charla Grenz, Bismark NK           18 and Under Girls             Stacee Adkins
1995        David Coffelt, Warren PA             18 and Under Open           John Paul Kinman
                Brandon Hallett, Holland MI         14 and Under Open            Ruben Silva, Jr
                Stacee Adkins, Paducah, KY        18 and Under Girls          Jennifer Willhoff
1996        Jamie Green, Shelbyville, IN          18 and Under Open            Mike Derr
           Jennifer Willhoff, Colorado Springs 18 & Under Girls          Jennifer Walker
                Chris Weast, Star City, AR            14 & Under Open             Laura Marie Lindauer
1997        Adam Stanton, Fairport NY           18 & Under Open             Brad West
                Jennifer Walker, Glasgow KY        18 & Under Girls               Martha Bays
                Nicholas Gutierrez, Sacramento CA 14 & Under Open            Chris Weast
1998        Paul John Masicotte, Calgary Canada 18 & Under Open          Ruben Silva, Jr.
                Melanie Gilmer, Starkville, MS        19 & Under Girls               Amie Bolahood
                Gregory Way, Littleton CO             14 & Under Open             Chris Weast
1999        Lance Fairchild, Pine Bluff AR        18 and Under Open            Shawn Wilke
                Morgan Blevins, Sand Springs OK 18 and Under Girls             Kelly Ahola
                Lars Vardaman Bryant AR             14 and Under Open            Michael Banks, Jr.


            Steve Lilllis, World Artistic Pool Championship Director


Pool and Billiards Professional Oraganizations
American Cuemakers Association
American Poolplayers Association (APA)
Billiard Congress of America (BCA)
Billiard Congress of Wisconsin
Billiard World Cup Association
Canadian Poolplayers Association
Confederation of Billiards Sports
Cuesports for Women
Ladies Billiard Association of Florida (LBAF)
National Wheelchair Billiards Association (NWBA)
National Wheelchair Poolplayers Association (NWPA)
Professional CueSports Association (PCA)
Women's Professional Billiard Associatio (WPBA)
World Billiard Instructors Association   (WBIA)
World Poolplayers Association (WPA)
World Trick Shot Artist Association (WTSAA)  ***
United States Billiard Association (UABA)
United States Pool Players (USPP)
United State Snooker Association (USSA)
Valley National 8-Ball League Association (VNEA)

    English Pool Association Governing Body in England
    Federation Francaise de Billard
    Canadian Billiards and Snooker Association  (CBSA)
    United States Snooker Association

Billiards/Pool ON TV

  If you hear/see that a Trick Shot show or Exhibition is going to be televised on TV or ESPN please drop me and email because I would love to hear about it and would be very grateful for the heads up.


 Billiards Listings for Week of 2001 Dec. 30 - Jan. 6
ESPN ZONE BALTIMORE, MD USA 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm

 Billiards Listings for week of 2001 Jan. 6 - Jan. 13
ESPN ZONE BALTIMORE, MD USA 2:30 pm to3:30 pm

ESPN ZONE BALTIMORE, MD USA 10:00 pm to 11:00 pm

 >>( I am unsure if these are all the same taped show or various ones/ I am unsure if these times are Eastern or Pacific Times so check your local listings)<<  Colorado Springs Adelphia Line Up (change date/time)

Billiard TV Schdules:
    ESPN   OR My ESPN Billiard TV Schedule ( 09 Dec to 13 Jan 2002 )
        click on this site then go to the right and click on the day you want to see, then go down to middle of page and under
"ESPN Network Listings" under "Sport" drop down pick "Billiards" and it will display all the billiards for each week/day you want for up to 2 months ahead.

    Billiards Digest Magazine
    Lucasi Seybert's  or
    Pool and Billiard Magazine
    Viking Cue Schedule
    The Billiards Channel
    Elephant Practice Balls No Current Information
    Portland Pool Page No Current Information
    Amateur Billiards News    Not currently working
    ON The Wire Billiards  Sometimes Current Information
    Billiard Warehouse No Current Information
    Hill TV             No Current Information

Videos and Training/Instructional Aids:

           Yoshikazu Kimura Video " Mind Blowing Trick Shots in Pool and Billiards " Vol. 1  of his 150 trick shot
                    To Order Kimura's "Mind Blowing Trick Shots in Pool & Billiards" :
            ** His entire series could be found at:  but you'll need Japanese language converters

            To Order Trick Shot Videos
            To Order Mike Massey Trick Shot Videos:
            To Order Paul Gerni Trick Shot Video:
            To Order Paul Gerni Billiard and Trick Shot Videos:
            To Order Stefano Pelinga Trick Shot Videos:
            To Order Fast Eddie Videos:
            To Buy Robert Byrne products on ebay  Byrne* Billiard*          Byrne* Pool*    (Actually you could find his videos/books in many places)
            To Order Robert Byrne's Trick Shot Videos:   Or Byrne Books   Or  Byrne Trick shot videos
            To Order Steve Morey Pool and Billiards Trick Shots:
            To Order Wille Joplings Trick Shot Videos:   OR
            To Order Willie Smith Trick Shot Video:
            To Order Gene "The Glove" Catron Master Trick Shots video:

Various Trick Shot Videos For Sale By Accu-Stats:
           SL3-10: Artistic Billiards Exhibition By Semih Sayginer
           Mike Massey Trick Shot Instructionals
           Willie Mosconi's Cue Magic
           Willie Joplings Ultimate Trick Shot Tape          Or
           Chef Antons Magic Menu of Pool Wizardry     for sale by accu-stats :

           Pool Videos:
           Trick Shot Videos  *** Very Good
           Video on Trick Shots  ( I think)     maybe same video on Trick Shots
TrickShot and billiard Videos by BlueMoon

           Pool the Master's Way (1995)     By "The Miz"
           Amazing Trick Shots    (1995)     By "The Miz"
           Trick Shots

Trick Shot Training Videos for Rent
        Video's Regarding Billiards/ Pool
           Byrne's Standard Video of Pool & Billiards: Volume 3 - Trick Shots
           Byrne's Standard Video of Pool & Billiards: Volume 4 - More Trick Shots 1993

    To RENT Billiards Videos at @ $6.00 each

Trick Shots "In The Movies"
Bad Boy - 1935

The Hustler- Staring Jackie Gleason and Paul Newman

Baltimore Bullet- Staring James Colban

The Color of Money- 1986 Staring Paul Newman and Tom Cruise

Kiss Shot- Staring Whoopi Goldberg

The Pool Hustler- 1983/1989  Italian film with English subtitles.

Red Shoe Diary has a Pool Hustler segment but it is not intended for all audiances.

You will oftenly find small movie clips with nice billiard or trick shots being performed such as one seen in "The Beverly Hills Cop" with Eddie Murphy, etc..

Trick Shots "On TV Shows"

The Brady Bunch:   When Bobby plays pool against a family friend and wins, obtains pool table and then becomes obsessive.

I Dream Of Jeanie:  When Jeanie puts a spell on Tony and he beats all others and then goes on to challange the Air Force Champ.

Drew Carey:    When he plays "the devil" wierd guy for his soul and losses.  The wierd guy beats Drew by performing the butterfly trick shot.

Pool and Billiards Trick Shot Books:

Andy Segal Published Series  "Fun with Trick Shots "    OR From Ebay at:
    Beginner Series - Volume 1
    Intermediate Series - Volume 1
    Intermediate Series - Volume 2
    Advanced Series - Volume 1
    Advanced Series - Volume 2

Billiard Books:
    By Robert Byrne at Barnes and Nobles          Byrne's Billiard and Pool Books Official Site
    By Steve Mizerak at Barnes and Nobles
    By Willie Mosconi at Barnes and Nobles
    By Ray Reardon at Barnes and Nobles
    By Nick Varner at Barnes and Nobles

    Barnes and Noble books on "Trick Shot"    (10 titles)
    Barnes and Noble books on "Billiards"    (105 titles)
    Barnes and Noble books on "Pool"        (733 titles)

Willie Jopling  Trick Shot books and videos

Billiard Books and Trick Shot Books
    Willie Mosconi's Winning Pocket Billiards : For Beginners and Advanced Players With a Section on Trick Shots

To Buy Bryne and Hermann Trick Shot Books

**** Jimmy Caras: " Trick and Fancy Shots..."

**** Jimmy Caras : "Trick and Fancy Shots in Pocket Billiards Made Easy"  74 pages  with approx. 50 trick shots
    1948-1966 by James S Caras  241 Hemlock Lane Springfield, Penna.   Library of Congress # A 94775

****Steve Mizerak's Pocket Billiards: Tips and Trick Shots
The advice offered in this book is fairly basic and for beginners, but there are trick shots to be found here for all players, and few can show you better how to shoot them than The Miz himself. Hardcover, 172 pages,   Copyright: 1982        Library #:  794.7'3  or  GV 891.M693  1981
Trick Shots Chapter 7 pg 93 to pg 145

****Willie Mosconi's Winning Pocket Billiards: For Beginners and Advanced Players With a Section on Trick Shots
The title just about says it all. This is one of my favorites, with over 100 photos and diagrams, and of course, plenty of trick shots! Paperback, 140 pages,

****Byrne's Treasury of Trick Shots in Pool and Billiards  Byrne's Treasury of Trick Shots in Pool and Billiards
Another excellent effort by Robert Byrne, this book will have you setting up and shooting trick and fancy shots in mere minutes. Dimensions in inches: 10.32 x 7.29 x 1.17, Paperback, 292 pages total    Copyright 1982   Library #:  794.7'3     or   GV 891.B964

**** Byrne's New Standard Book of Pool and Billiards     with a chapter including Favorite Trick Shots
Paperback, 406 pages total   Copyright 1998,1987,1978     Library#:  794.7'3-dc21   or   GV 891.B96
Chapter 14  "Favorite Trick Shots"  pg 193 to 205  with approx 13 trick shots

Older Books Published with regards to Trick Shots and other Billiards Shots:
     Mingaud's (1827)
    Mingaud (1830)  Very Rare
        **Only TWO known copies exist today 1.) At the Library of Congress and one at the Unversity of Notre Dame.**
    Phelan    (1858)
    McCleery (1890)
    Thatcher  (1898)
    Stancliffe (?pre 1900) "Fun on the Billiard Table being a collection of amusing tricks and games for amateurs with diagrams)
    Herrmann( 1902 and reissued in 1967 by Dover)
    Caras (1948)
    Ponzi (1948)
    Mosconi (1965)
** The richest resource of materials can be found in one ananymous written book called " Trick and Fancy Pocket Billiard Shots" published in 1918. This book is a gold mine of valuable information but sadly the author is not paid their full respect having gone unacknowledged.**

    Other Printed references regarding Trick Shots could be found in these sources:
        Monthly National Billiard News ( First published in 1962- ?)
        Bi-Monthly Billiards Digest        ( 1978-?
        American Billiard Review          ( 1969-1977)

Snooker books with wonderful Trick Shots:
        "Eddie Charlton's Trick Shots" - The MacMillan Company of Australia, South Melbourne, 1977.
        ISBN 0 333 22974 6   70 shots are described and illustrated in color photos

        Sixteen trick shots are described and illustrated in black and white photos in "Billiards and Snooker" by Walter Lindrum
        Tooheys Ltd., Sydney, Australia 1937

Trick Shot Library books


First go to:
Second click on Electronic Reference
Third enter your Library Card # and PIN #
Fourth scroll down to: General and click on last one "WorldCat"

Books/Videdos on: Billiards, Pool Game, etc
Dewy Decimal #      Year published

794.735 R288R 1980
Ray Reardon's 50 best trick shots
Reardon, Ray.

794.7'3  1981
Steve Mizerak's Pocket Billiards: Tips and Trick Shots
The advice offered in this book is fairly basic and for beginners, but there are trick shots to be found here for all players, and few can show you better how to shoot them than The Miz himself. Hardcover, 172 pages,   Copyright: 1982       Library #:  794.7'3  or  GV 891.M693  1981

794.7'3   1982
Byrne's Treasury of Trick Shots in Pool and Billiards
Another excellent effort by Robert Byrne, this book will have you setting up and shooting trick and fancy shots in mere minutes. Dimensions in inches: 10.32 x 7.29 x 1.17, Paperback, 292 pages total    Copyright 1982   Library #:  794.7'3     or   GV 891.B964

794.7'3   1998
Byrne's New Standard Book of Pool and Billiards     with a chapter including Favorite Trick Shots
Paperback, 406 pages total   Copyright 1998,1987,1978      Library#:  794.7'3-dc21   or   GV 891.B96
Chapter 14  "Favorite Trick Shots"  pg 193 to 205  with approx 13 trick shots

Pikes Peak Library Pool and Billiard Videos:
Learn From The Best Video
Byrne's standard video of pool & billiards, volume II

 Video 794.73 H847  Title: How to play pool [videorecording], starring Minnesota Fats  Author: Fats, Minnesota.

Gadgets and Gizmos:
     Six Ball Trick Rack OR 6 Ball Trick Rack OR 6 Ball Trick RackOR 6 Ball Rack OR here OR here OR here OR here
    Trick Shot Screen Saver
    Tru Banks Mirrors
    Diagram of Pooltable to be used to demonstrate shots


TRICK SHOTS found in Various Search Engines                   Billiards and Pool related sites found in Various Search Engines
AltaVista Search Results for "Trick Shots"
AskJeeves Search Results for "Trick Shots"
Dogpile Search Results for "Billiards Trick Shots"
Excite Search Results for " Trick Shots"
Geocities Search Results for "Trick Shots"
GoTo Search Results for "Trick Shots"
HotBot Search Results for "Trick Shots"
LookSmart Search Results for "Trick Shots"
Lycos Search Results for "Trick Shots"
Netscape Search Results for "Trick Shots"
WebCrawler Search Results for "Trick Shots"
Yahoo Search Results for "Trick Shots"

ESPN Search Results for Billiards Trick Shots Search Results for "Trick Shot"

Google. com


    The Billiards WebRing
    The Bomis Billiards Sports WebRing
    The Yahoo Billiards Webring
    8 and 9 Ball Pool               by: nineballster
    8ball and 9ball Pool
    Pool and Billiards Webring by: toyz2toyz
    UK Snooker Billiards and Pool WebSites  by : Snookerandpooluk
    UK Snooker Billiards & Pool Web Sites
    UK8ball    by dabrumster
    Pool & Billiard Surfers Webring site
    Toyz2Toyz Pool and Billiard Webring site
    Yahoo list of various Billiard related Webring sites
    Pool & Billiard Surfers Webring
    Billiards Room 2000 Shark's Cove Web Ring    by:
    The Bar Sports Web Ring    by:
    Bar Billiards                         by:
    Web Ring of Star Billiards    by:
    Star Billiards Web Ring        by:


Computer Generated Billiards and Pool Games could be found here.
Virtual Pool 2 Trick Shot Contest:
Virtual Pool
Computer Billiard : Pool table particle dynamics simulator (where you change the variable and see what it does) Downloadable developed by two College Students
  College Student Experiment  on Microworlds
 Cheat Codes for Computer Trickshots:  more computer billiards.
VRCarom is a virtual reality carom billiard simulation made by a carom billiard professional player.
VRCarom is a virtual reality carom billiard simulation made by a carom billiard professional player.

Trick shots and billiad games on your PC
Of course, there are a lot of billard games available for the PC. In my opinion, the best simulation is "Virtual Pool" by Interplay . It's now also available in version 2. This program is really amazing and has features like


GOOD Billiard Practice Drills:
Diagram of Pooltable to be used to demonstrate shots


    Resource Material  Billiards and Trick Shot in the Movies Webpage (Very Good Site)
    J. Michael Young's entire collection of cue game cards Cue Sports Memorabilia
     Pool and Billiard Legends
    Pool Shark Trick Shot Links
    Artistic Pool Newsletter by "Dr. Cue"
    Billiard Games Trick Shot
    The Scienctific/ Mathematica approach to shooting
    Trick Shots On-Line
    UK8Ball Trick Shots  (15 Shots)
    AZBilliards Trick Shot Site
    Trick Shots
    Billiard Tricks
    Pool Tricks
    Trick Shot Links
    Pool Trick Shot Videos
    Amateur Billiard News  Artistic Pool
    Another Trick Billiards Shot
    A Trick Shot kid :
    Artistic Shooters International Association, Inc.  non-profit organization (501) (c)
    Find a Poolhall near you
    Archive for Albertirsa Trickshot Masters (Australia)
    E-EZstreet billiards links
    DMOZ Billiards links
    Tons of Billiard and Pool links
    Tons of Billiard and Pool links by Bergen at Vicking1
    Someones Name:   Name: Matt Robb aka Trickshot E-Mail and
    Tons of Billiard Related Books for Sale
  Billiard Software Archive: Games / Simulations / Tournament Brackets / Billiard Room Management / Miscellaneous

TRICK SHOT SITE THAT ARE NOT WORKING: This site is one of the most common to be found regarding Trick Shots
        but it doesn’t work: Phat Trick Shots   which leads you to here: which doesn’t work
            either. TO Learn a few trick shots but not working correctly.
    Aaron Crawford Portland Pool Page Trick Shot:  not working well neither pictures or clips working
    Various Countries- A Great Pocket-Billiard Page with Trickshots of the month   Not Working
    Billiard Trick Shots  has website but no shots yet ore real information on the page yet!  Budweiser Link to Trick Shots not working: Playing Pool & Trick Shots-info
        Jason's Pool and Trickshot Page:  Not working well
    Core-Dumped    (4 shots) Video clips {.avi}Not currently working
    {Billard} sic. Trick Shot site in a language other than English (German/Dutch/Finish?) Not currently working
    Trickshot 1
    Trickshot 2
    Trickshot 3
    Trickshot 4

    Austria's first Billiard Club on the Internet (Austria) A Great Pocket-Billiard Page with Trickshots of the month

    Czech Republic's first Billiard Club on the Internet (Czech Republic) A Great Pocket-Billiard Page with

Enclosed are websites which link back to me ( so far that I could find/heard of)
    The Billiards Tour
    The Pool Shark   Very Good Site with many links very well organized.
Here is what he said about it: "Trick Shots
Joe's Trick Shot and Billiard Links - I can not even describe this site. IT IS THAT GOOD!!! Everything you could ever want to know about trick shots, including dozens of video examples. You could spend all day here"

My Most Wanted List:
    #1    Video Clips of the 1970's CBS Wild World of Sports Trick Shots performed by the Great Minnesota Fats,
                Irving  Crane, Willie Mosconi and others. These are the shows that many of use were raised on and watched as
                kids. I think we all tried to imitate their shots at one time or another. They were our childhood Heroes

    #2    Video Clips of the Steve Mizerak "Just Showin Off" Miller Lite Beer Commericial
            Video Clips of the National Television Show called " Celebrity Billiards" hosted by Minnesota Fats
            Video Clips of Johnny Carson, Jay Leno, David Leiderman, Merv Griffin, etc with billiard players.
            Video Clips of Movies with Trick Shots or outstanding shots.

    #3    Links to other Trick Short / Artistic Pool websites, pictures, graphs, streams and video clips, etc..

    #4   Email and Mailing Addresses of the Professional Billiards and Trick Shot Players (any and all are welcome)

Geocities Login site:  namecertification / dogsname
Tripod Main Site      [nickname and certification3  /  dogsname3 ]   File Manager
ATOMZ. Com  Search site    (log in site)  (work email  nickname and certification)

 Email with questions , comments or concerns:


This Page was constructed on: March 25 2001
This Page was last modified on : September 30, 2003

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